Kudos to American Airlines – for doing nothing! (really!)

On Wednesday I experienced more flying and airports than I had every expected to, in a single day. It actually took more than 26 hours from takeoff – to final landing. I flew Tel Aviv – Barcelona – Madrid – New York – Los Angeles.

Aside from a very rude flight attendant who refused to allow me to bring my carry-on (the same carry-on that was allowed on 3 subsequent flights on other airlines – the same day!) my travels went fine.

The reason I got to Los Angeles in one piece was especially thanks to American Airlines.
On my final flight I chose a good seat from the electronic check-in kiosk. Back of the plane – empty row in the middle section. I ended up moving to the middle seat so that no one would try to take my staked claim.

American Airlines gets kudos for not even bothering to try to wake me up for landing – I actually slept sprawled across three seats with pillows and blankets – all the way to the gate!

Sometimes the best customer service is to just let the customer be!

( I was so tired I didnt even try out the in-flight wifi for $7.95 – that’s pretty tired…)

Israel’s Channel 2 reports: Headscarves Mandatory for all Gaza Women

The media is full of reports today that in Hamas-controlled Gaza, the local leadership has decreed that female lawyers must cover their hair. But on Israel’s channel 2 this evening there was a report that ALL women in Gaza are now forced to wear head coverings.

In the report Silman A-Shafi, the Arab reporter reports that there are now thugs roaming the streets both in uniform and out of uniform to enforce these laws.

They interview several young women some pro and some against the new law.

They show the beach and how women now have to go fully dressed into the beach, though they are swimming in women-only area.

Haaretz – a left-wing Israeli paper is reporting the same thing – in English.

The London-based newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi reported that the organization’s Gaza government had recently approved a series of laws, a Muslim code of conduct of sorts, meant to guard Muslim religion and morals. These guidelines join an increasing amount of reports from Gaza residents saying that modesty patrols were forcing women to wear head coverings, especially at Gaza’s beaches, and that they were inspecting isolated cars in order to prevent unmarried couples being alone together.

I am confused – how is it that Israel’s media has such a different story than the rest of the media?

See for yourself: here.

This is the Google translation of the blurb on that page:

Is the world okay with a new Iran-style regime popping up?
I think it’s a disaster.

YouNeverCall Hats have arrived!

younevercall hatsActually they arrived a few months ago – but I wasn’t here to see them.
We are sending these out to as a thank you to customers who talk about our company on their websites and blogs!
If you know someone who we should be thanking – let me know!

Also a big thanks to Dong Tam Cap company – very recommended. They do good work and their prices for baseball caps are super too!

To Paris…

On Tuesday we fly to Paris – my wife and 7 kids! This is a two day stop on the way to dropping them all off in Los Angeles for the summer.
Then I head back to the Est coast for meetings in Washington and New York. Then back to Israel.

Three weeks later I head back to Los Angeles again.

Any advice on what to do in Paris with a bunch of kids?

Use as much water as you need

Roni Harari, the passionate gardener from my last post says it makes no sense to have everyone stop using water because of the drought here in Israel. He says we are just buying  the government more time – which they are not using to find a long-term solution to the water situation.

He says – do the opposite.

Use as much water as you needforce the government  to solve the problem. I think my brother Akiva said the same thing.

Desalinization works – I think Israeli companies even helped develop some of the technology for it.

Other countries are using desalinization – why isn’t Israel?

Info on Desalination is here:

Passion! Gardening and Good Shower

Over a year ago a pipe in our garden burst – probably a pipe deep under our patio. With the drought we hadn’t rushed to repair it. Anyway – now our garden is dead. So we called a gardner. But not any gardener. We called the best one in the area – Roni Harari. This is the guy who should have done our original garden – but he was too busy 8 years ago.

Roni is passionate about gardening. He studies gardening. He knows gardening.

I don’t understand the ins and outs – but I get the distinct sense he does.

So our garden is in good hands – he’s bringing the grass back to life – so that he can kill it properly – then he’ll replant it with seed grass to replace the crabgrass we currently have. Roni says it requires a lot less water too!

So what’s with the shower?

Turns out that when they were working on the pipes they found a lot of rocks that had collected at the water mains – right next to the water meter in a filter made for catching rocks. Removing those rocks led to a radical change in our water pressure.

One of the projects we had been putting off was getting the water situation fixed – now the problem is solved and we have so much pressure we can wash dishes and shower at the same time! My wife thinks that one should be clothed to wash dishes – whatever…

Anyway I took a shower today that had so much pressure it was amazing. I may not have to travel on business to get a good shower anymore!

Bottom line: Passion is the key. Roni is passionate – when I hire him to do work for me – I get many of the advantages of his passion without having to invest my life in his passion. Working with passionate people pays!

June 21st – White Nights!

zelenagorskWhen I was 13 years old and living in Dallas Texas, I recall going to see White Nights, the movie in which Baryshnikov, the ballet dancer ends up on a flight that lands in Russia. I think he has to outrun the local authorities because he is wanted there for changing sides a few years earlier… I recall it being a great movie – so much so that I briefly considered dancing around the parking lot of the theater – but quickly stepped into the 7Eleven on Spring Valley road and bought a Slurpee. I may have played a game of Ms. PacMan or DigDug too, I don’t recall.

Anyway, years later as a college student I joined an organization (YUSSR) running Jewish summer camps in Russia (and various other former Soviet Union countries). The first time I went to Russia we arrived in early June and I recall the white nights – when the sun barely sets in St. Petersburg. The experience of sitting by the Finnish bay and watching the sun set and almost immediately reappear was mind-boggling.

So when I noticed the date was June 21st I couldn’t help but recall White Nights on the Finnish bay outside Zelinagorsk .

This is pretty funny – but probably only if you were in Russia leading a summer camp…


Opera Unite – P2P everything I guess…

Check out this – Remember Opera, the little browser that could for a while…
They are back and taking a new stab at the browser space with Opera Unite – supposed to contain server in the browser – kind-of a P2P platform but not just for stealing videos and music. (Are there other things worth sharing? I think so…)

Incidentally, I especially like Discovery channel voice…

As far as whether this is useful – I think it could be indeed.

My friend Michael Berkowitz and I created a product called Pixley Album a few years ago that does exactly this for picture sharing.

The theory was that we all take lots of pictures with out digital cameras and we often manage to get the pictures onto our PC’s but we rarely share the pictures.

Pixley Album automatically takes all shared images and serves them to your friends (or the whole world if you want) arranging them in albums – like a simple version of snapfish.

Looking forward to seeing what people do with this….

Getting Started

hyperIt’s been seven years since I started doing business online – so I decided to start a blog.

I plan to share my insights and funny stories about:

  • Working in the online environment
  • What I am learning about people and about myself
  • Experiences I have had that may help you in your work
  • Anything else I want to tell the world