Knowing the rules of the road is not enough!

This year Hanukkah coincided exactly with Christmas vacation! This meant that not only could I get away with my family – I would be a fool not to!
We decided, very last minute, to spend the week in Seychelles! My wife and I had both wanted to go there sometime and the airline gods arranged that tickets would be available. It was a great getaway – absolutely gorgeous and probably because everything in Seychelles is a bit pricey – you hardly see any tourists. They are all in the their fancy resorts or on classy excursions, I guess. We stayed at a more modest hotel and probably were the only family of vacationers on the island who brought 7 kids – our eldest is in the Israeli Army and couldn’t get away…

Whenever we travel to far-flung place it always helps to learn the ropes – whats the best way to see the place? What should we avoid? etc. Sometimes you can do this in advance – like when we found out that the driving would be a bit challenging.

But sometimes you need to learn from experience – like when we fund out that even the biggest supermarket in the country has a very small selection of food!

To master a situation and make good decisions you need to know the rules, but you also need experience. I find that my most intelligent clients are the ones who know some of the rules, but know that this does not make them an expert. They may have some experience, but when presented with the facts – they choose to leave the driving to an expert!



Connecting Under Water

Last summer we wanted to do something with our two teenage boys.

Something that they would enjoy (aside from sleeping all day).

I offered a week-long hiking trip – not interesting enough.

A few days of sun and sea in Cyprus? no takers.

When I suggested a scuba diving course in Eilat – they were into it!

So we did the 7-day course – great – exciting – and a really great way to spend time with my kids.

In the winter we did some diving – the water is the about the same temp all year in Eilat!

Yesterday we drove down  to Eilat (about 4 hours) and did some more diving together – another successful trip!

I recommend a diving course if you want to have a great time and find a great way to spend time together with your teenagers!
